Ministry of Science and Higher Education at the conference „Destination Europe” in San Francisco

The main goal of the conference “Destination Europe” co-organized by the European Commission and Member States in San Francisco on December 12 and 13, 2013, was promotion of Europe as an attractive place for research and pursuing scientific careers among the American scientists.

Programs aimed at supporting of international mobility of researchers were presented during the plenary sessions: Horizon 2020, in particular Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Euraxess, and funding schemes of the European Research Council.

The thematic sessions provided an excellent opportunity to present the Polish higher education system as well as research funding mechanisms and possibilities of pursuing a research career in Poland. Polish researchers – participants of the governmental program “Top 500 Innovators” prepared presentations and testimonies – PhD Marcin Binkowski in the session „Health & Biosciences”, PhD Piotr Wołejsza in the session „Geophysics & Ocean Science" and PhD Bartosz Sakowicz in the session „Information & Communication Technologies”.

Among the participants of the conference there were also the representatives of the organizations supporting research from Denmark, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Poland and Sweden as well as representatives of these countries from offices based in the USA.

There were also about 200 researchers and students from the USA, mainly from Californian universities as well as students from Europe, participants of international exchange programs at the American universities interested in the research programs in Europe and representatives of organizations supporting innovations from the USA and Europe.

All conference participants had the opportunity to visit the stands of individual countries. At the Polish national stand the guests could obtain information on the strengths of the Polish scientific system and achievements of researchers in Poland as well as familiarize themselves with the programs offered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Science Centre, National Centre for Research and Development and Foundation for Polish Science.